Thursday, July 23, 2009

To stay healthy and run strong, you need to make the right food choices. We show you how.

[Source: East Coast Cycos newsletter, in Tri-Rudy newsletter, July 23/09]

By Liz Applegate Ph.D.

You make choices every day--cash or charge, coffee or tea, Leno or Letterman. And most of these choices are easy. That is, you know what's best for you. (Letterman, definitely Letterman.) But take a stroll down any aisle in the grocery store, and suddenly simple choices disappear. Is a reduced-fat food truly a better option than its full-fat counterpart? Are vegetarian products more healthful than non-vegetarian versions? Having so many seemingly healthy choices makes it difficult to know for sure which foods are best for you and your running.

Since I can't join you when you cruise the grocery store, I've done the next best thing: I've come up with a list of my picks for eight of the most puzzling food choices out there. Just remember that even when you've filled your cart with the best choices possible, you'll still be faced with one final question: Paper or plastic?

Regular Peanut Butter vs. Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter

Liz's pick: regular peanut butter. Check the label, and you'll find that both versions pack about 190 calories per 2-tablespoon serving. But, while the reduced-fat variety has less fat (12 grams versus 16 grams in regular), it has considerably more sugar.

Even if you're looking to slash the fat in your diet for better heart health, you'll still want to stay away from the reduced-fat varieties. Why? Reduced-fat peanut butters contain hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is a primary source of artery-clogging trans fats. In comparison, regular peanut butter is a natural source of cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats. So when you opt for a reduced-fat peanut butter, you actually end up eating more unhealthy fats.
And thanks to the healthy fats and the disease-fighting phytochemicals in regular peanut butter, it should be a part of every runner's diet. Bonus: The fat in peanut butter helps you feel full, making a PB and apple snack a great way to stave off late-afternoon hunger.

Multi-Grain Bread vs. 100-Percent Whole-Wheat Bread

Liz's pick: 100-percent whole-wheat bread. Sure, multi-grain breads such as 12-grain or 15-grain sound nutritionally impressive, but here's where label reading is a must. Bread labeled "100-percent whole-grain" is made with flour from the entire grain kernel, whether it be wheat, oat, or barley. But most multi-grain breads contain enriched-wheat flour along with other grain flours. This means most multi-grain breads typically offer less fiber and lower amounts of other key nutrients, such as zinc and vitamin E.

Eating whole-grain bread makes great sense for runners because it packs a hefty dose of rejuvenating carbohydrates--about 40 grams in two slices. Aim for at least that many carbs soon after a tough run to restock glycogen stores. And on a daily basis, runners logging 20 to 40 miles per week should eat eight to 12 servings of grains, with one slice of whole-grain bread or a half-cup of whole-grain pasta counting as one serving.

Reduced-Fat Potato Chips vs. Baked Potato Chips

Liz's pick: baked potato chips. Nutritionist or not, I love crunchy chips as much as the next person, especially when they're loaded up with fiery salsa. By going "baked," you can get the great crunch of a potato chip without all the fat. A 1-ounce serving of baked chips (about 11 chips) has 130 calories, only 1.5 grams of fat, and 2 grams of fiber, while a reduced-fat version packs 140 calories, 7 grams of fat (1 gram of it saturated), and half the fiber.

Baked chips fit easily into a performance-oriented diet. Eat them with nutrient-rich salsas or yogurt dips (try a dip with clams for added protein and zinc). But always keep an eye on the portion size (remember, 11 chips is about a 1-ounce serving). If you open a bag and munch mindlessly, you'll eat way more than a serving or two in no time.

Turkey Franks vs. Beef Franks

Liz's pick: neither. You'd assume the safe money would be on the turkey franks. But while most turkey franks have slightly less fat than beef hot dogs, they're both still loaded with fat. A traditional beef frank has about 16 grams of fat and 180 calories, compared with a regular turkey frank that weighs in with about 13 grams of fat and 150 calories. And since much of the fat in either frank is saturated, these dogs are best kept off your plate.

If you like hot dogs, opt for a soy brand or a reduced-fat version, such as Healthy Choice franks. Soy dogs taste great (don't knock 'em until you've tried 'em) and come packed with extra nutrients you won't find in traditional dogs, such as 20 percent of the Daily Value for iron and 15 percent of the Daily Value for zinc. Soy dogs also supply about twice the protein of traditional dogs. As for reduced-fat franks, most come with just a few grams of fat and less than half the calories of regular franks (brands vary so check the Nutrition Facts food label).

Frozen Yogurt vs. Light Ice Cream

Liz's pick: light ice cream. Sure, yogurt sounds healthy--and, for the most part, it is. But in frozen form, yogurt can pack more sugar and calories than you expect. A half-cup serving of regular frozen yogurt contains 200 calories, about 5 grams of fat, and more than 4 teaspoons of sugar, while light ice cream comes with only 120 calories, less than 3 teaspoons of sugar, and the same amount of fat, with slightly less saturated fat.

Sweet treats are a must for runners (there, you have it in writing). Since your running burns calories, fun foods like ice cream can easily fit into your healthy diet. During the summer months, top off a bowl of it with seasonal fresh berries and chocolate syrup. Or toss a scoop of light ice cream into the blender along with two types of fruit and a splash of fruit juice for a great recovery shake after your workout.

Frozen Meat Lasagna vs. Frozen Vegetarian Lasagna

Liz's pick: meat lasagna. Surprised? I was. Frozen lasagna is a favorite at our house, and often there's a battle over meat versus vegetarian. After I scrutinized the labels, the meat version came out on top with less fat, more protein, and the same amount of fiber as the vegetarian lasagna, which was loaded with fatty cheeses. Of course, brands vary, so read labels carefully to determine your best choice.

Frozen entrées such as lasagna make great meals for runners. I often pop a large lasagna in the oven for a Monday night dinner, and serve it with a large mixed-greens salad and steamed vegetables. The leftovers make an easy take-along-to-work lunch or a postworkout meal with some whole-grain bread.

Light Soft Margarine vs. Yogurt-Based Spread

Liz's pick: too close to call. In this instance, go with your taste preference. Both of these options save on fat and saturated fat compared with regular margarine and butter. A tablespoon serving of light margarine or yogurt-based spread supplies about 50 calories and five grams of fat (with one gram saturated). That's a 60-percent fat savings compared with the full-fat versions. But both spreads contain hydrogenated vegetable oil, so you do get a tad of trans fats with them.

Soymilk vs. Low-Fat Milk

Liz's pick: low-fat milk. Thanks to its high-protein and low-fat content, low-fat milk (1-percent fat) is the winner here. An 8-ounce serving comes with 130 calories, just over 2 grams of fat, and 11 grams of protein (about 20 percent of the Daily Value), while soymilk provides the same number of calories, 4 grams of fat, and 7 grams of protein. But both are calcium rich, containing 30 percent of the calcium Daily Value. Yes, soymilk comes with health-boosting isoflavones that may stave off heart disease and cancer. But according to new research, milk drinkers have a reduced risk of developing insulin resistance syndrome, which typically leads to Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

That said, runners shouldn't bypass soy. Soymilk remains a wonderful soy option along with soy burgers, tofu, and a host of other soy products including tasty soy "sausages." Runners need more protein than sedentary folk (about 70 to 100 grams daily), and both low- and nonfat dairy, along with soy, are excellent protein sources.



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