Pharmacy fatigue? Here are the best over-the-counter cures to heal what ails you
by Amy Gorin
Your sprint to the finish line wasn't fueled by personal-record ambitions or competitive fire. Instead, it was last night's curry chicken. Your next event: a dash to the drugstore. But once you're there, confusion postpones relief. You reach for the pink stuff. Wait. What about the pill you saw on TV? Or could an antacid do the trick?
It's difficult to choose these days. According to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, more than 100,000 over-the-counter products are sold in the United States. Whether it's a case of GI distress, a throbbing headache, or a runny nose, runners want fast fixes that won't slow them down. With the help of several physicians and pharmacists, we compiled a list of the best runner-friendly over-the-counter products. Because runners have no time for sickness.
Your nose is more congested than a marathon starting line
Treat stuffiness with a nasal spray containing oxymetazoline. "It acts immediately, so you could use it just before you run," says Michigan-based pharmacist and runner Christie Verran. Don't use for more than five days, or the drug can cause "rebound congestion"--overuse can make the inside of your nose swell, blocking the nasal passage.
Your Fix: Several nasal sprays contain oxymetazoline, including Afrin, Zicam, and generic brands.
Extra Tip: Breathe Right nasal strips can provide relief while you sleep or run. The strips lift the sides of your nose to improve your ability to breathe.
You have a full-blown cold--sneezing, coughing, runny nose
A Detroit Medical Center study found that zinc lozenges cut the common cold's duration by more than three days. Participants took one lozenge containing 12.8 milligrams of zinc acetate every two to three hours while awake.
Your Fix: Lozenges containing zinc acetate, such as Quantum Thera Zinc.
Extra Tip: For the fastest recovery possible, Lewis Maharam, M.D., medical director for the New York City Marathon, recommends avoiding common cold relievers such as Sudafed. "You'll get over a cold faster by letting your body fight it off," he says. Coughing, for example, helps your body clear itself of germs.
Your feet itch and burn
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that thrives in moist areas such as locker-room showers and wet running socks. Use a treatment with terbinafine or butenafine, which kill the fungus faster than other remedies, says Steve Pray, Ph.D., professor of nonprescription drugs at Southwestern Oklahoma State University.
Your Fix: Lamisil AT, which contains terbinafine, Lotrimin Ultra, which contains butenafine, or generic versions of these brands.
Extra Tip: Change out of wet socks, wear flip-flops in locker rooms, and dry your feet last when toweling off.
Montezuma takes his revenge during your runs
Stomach woes can interfere with a run for a variety of reasons, including excessive hydration. "When you drink too much water, it moves through the GI tract without being absorbed, and that causes diarrhea," says James Glazer, M.D., professor of sports medicine at the University of Vermont School of Medicine. So limit fluid intake to less than 16 ounces an hour before a run. Also, avoid foods high in protein, fat, or fiber, which are slow to digest. Dr. Glazer cautions against making a habit of taking anti-diarrhea meds that contain loperamide, such as Imodium A-D, before a run. Loperamide can mask symptoms of dehydration, and taken on a regular basis, it could cause constipation or damage to your GI lining.
Your Fix: Bismuth subsalicylate, which is gentler on the stomach. It's found in Pepto-Bismol and generic brands.
Extra Tip: Meet with a sports nutritionist. Tweaking your diet will likely decrease your need for pit stops.
Your head's pounding before you start pounding the pavement
For headaches, take acetaminophen rather than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) before a run. NSAIDs decrease blood flow to the kidneys, which regulate salt levels. If you also overhydrate, this heightens your risk of developing hyponatremia, a low concentration of sodium in the blood that can lead to coma, seizures, and in rare cases, death, says Dr. Maharam. Save the anti-inflammatories to soothe your postrun aches and pains.
Your Fix: Tylenol 8 Hour Extended Relief and generic brands that contain 650 milligrams of acetaminophen.
Extra Tip: Get a massage. University of Miami researchers found that two weekly 30-minute massages decreased headache pain in migraine sufferers.
There's a bonfire in your chest
For fast heartburn relief, pick liquid formulas over chewables. "The liquid works instantaneously," says Paul Doering, M.S., of the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Florida. "The tablet has a 10- to 15-minute delay because it has to disintegrate."
Your Fix: Mylanta, Maalox, and several generic brands offer liquid antacids.
Extra Tip: Lay off the caffeine--it relaxes the muscle that keeps food and acid in your stomach.
You have a blister so big it needs its own shoe
A small blister can be left alone, but anything larger than a dime needs prodding. Otherwise, it could burst midrun and become infected. To drain, sterilize a needle with rubbing alcohol and gently stick the blister. Leave the flap of skin alone. "It acts as a natural Band-Aid," says Dr. Maharam. Apply an antibiotic ointment containing the bacitrain and polymyxin and cover with a bandage. Be weary of ointments containing a third antibiotic, neomycin, which can trigger an allergic reaction in some people.
Your Fix: Polysporin ointment (or generic brand)
Extra Tip: Dr. Glazer recommends liquid bandages over the traditional kind. "Dirt and grit and even bacteria can accumulate under a regular Band-Aid," he says. "If you apply a liquid Band-Aid to a clean area, then nothing gets in there."
Your [insert body part here] aches
"For joints, ice is the best remedy for reducing inflammation and pain," Dr. Glazer says. Although you can buy an ice pack at a drug store, Dr. Glazer is partial to the grocery store alternative: frozen peas. Ice your knee or ankle for 20 minutes, then remove the pack for 20. Continue this cycle until you feel relief. If the pain is muscular, apply ice during the first 24 hours, then switch to heat. Dr. Glazer prefers heat wraps, which unlike heating pads, won't overheat and burn skin. They also penetrate deeper and last longer--you can wear them for up to eight hours.
Your Fix: Frozen veggies; ThermaCare Air-Activated HeatWraps
Extra Tip: Decrease inflammation from the inside out with an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. French researchers found that osteoarthritis sufferers who took 400 milligrams of ibuprofen had 23 percent less pain than those who took 1,000 milligrams of acetaminophen.
Germ Warfare
Arm yourself with these tools to stay out of the doctor's office and on the roads.
Disinfectant sprays or wipes. Wipe down your workspace daily. A University of Arizona study found that the average desk houses up to 400 times more germs than a toilet seat.
Vitamin E. An Oregon State University study found that ultramarathoners who took 400 IU of the vitamin didn't suffer the immune system breakdown usually caused by extreme exercise.
Humidifier. "A humidifier keeps the nose from getting irritated and makes the resistance barrier between you and the germs stronger," says James Glazer, M.D., of the University of Vermont.
Hand sanitizer. Active ingredient ethyl alcohol is an antiseptic that kills germs without water.
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